
jBPM Business Applications + IFTTT = Control everything!

Here is another jBPM Business Application demo which uses the IFTTT workitem handler to connect your business processes in your business applications with the IFTTT Service.

In this demo we present users with a simple form where they can enter in their info and the location where they are in order for someone to come pick them up:

Once the form is submitted our business process is started which passes this information to the IFTTT workitem handler that then calls an Applet on the IFTTT platform:

This applet takes in the address entered by our user and launches Google Maps on our phone showing us the directions where the user is and also sends us an SMS message showing this information as well.

The demo also shows how we can start a business process in your business application in HTML via the kie-server thymeleaf dialect.

The source code of the demo can be downloaded here.

Here is also a video with a walkthrough of this demo. Watch the whole video or skip to the end to see the demo actually working ;)

With the jBPM IFTTT Workitem you can do some really powerful things, connect your business processes with different devices for example. Hope this demo gives you some ideas on creating your own cool apps with jBPM Business Applications.