
Introducing jBPM's Human Task prediction API

In this post, we’ll introduce a new jBPM API which allows for predictive models to be trained with Human Tasks (HT) data and for HT to incorporate model predictions as outputs and complete HT without user interaction.

This API will allow you to add Machine Learning capabilities to your jBPM project by being able to use, for instance, models trained with historical task data to recommend the most likely output. The API also gives developers the flexibility to implement a “prediction-only” service (which only suggests outputs) as well as automatically completing the task if the prediction’s confidence meets a user-defined prediction confidence threshold.
This API exposes the HT handling to a prediction service.
A prediction service is simply any third-party class which implements the org.kie.internal.task.api.prediction.PredictionService interface.

 This interface consists of three methods:

  • getIdentifier() - a method which returns a unique (String) identifier for your prediction service
  • predict(Task task, Map<String, Object> inputData) - a method that takes task information and the task's inputs from which we will derive the model's inputs, as a map. The method returns a PredictionOutcome instance, which we will look in closer detail later on
  • train(Task task, Map<String, Object> inputData, Map<String, Object> outputData) - this method, similarly to predict, takes task info and the task's inputs, but now we also need to provide the task's outputs, as a map, for training 

This class will consist of:

  • A Map<String, Object> outcome containing the prediction outputs, each entry represents an output attribute’s name and value. This map can be empty, which corresponds to the model not providing any prediction.
  • A confidence value. The meaning of this field is left to the developer (e.g. it could represent a probability between 0.0 and 1.0). It's relevance is related to the confidenceThreshold below.
  • A confidenceThreshold - this value represents the confidence cutoff after which an action can be taken by the HT item handler.
As an example, let's assume our confidence represents a prediction probability between 0.0 and 1.0. If the confidenceThreshold is 0.7, that would mean that for confidence > 0.7 the HT outputs would be set to the outcome and the task automatically closed. If the confidence <= 0.7, then the HT would set the prediction outcome as suggested values, but the task would not be closed and still need human interaction. If the outcome is empty, then the HT life cycle would proceed as if no prediction was made.
By defining a confidence threshold which is always higher than the confidence, developers can create a “prediction-only” service, which will assign predicted outputs to the task, but never complete it.

The initial step is then, as defined above, the predict step. In the scenario where the prediction's confidence is above the threshold, the task is automatically completed. If the confidence is not above the threshold, however, when the task is eventually completed both the inputs and the outputs will then be used to further train the model by calling the prediction service's train method.

Example project

An example project is available here. This project consists of a single Human Task, which can be inspected using Business Central. The task is generic and simple enough in order to demonstrate the working of the jBPM's prediction API.

For the purposes of the demonstration, this task will be used to model a simple purchasing system where the purchase of a laptop of a certain brand is requested and must be, eventually, manually approved. The tasks inputs are:

  • item - a String with the brand's name
  • price - a Float representing the laptop's price
  • ActorId - a String representing the user requesting the purchase

The task provides as outputs:

  • approved - a Boolean specifying whether the purchase was approved or not

This repository contains two example prediction service implementations as Maven modules and a REST client to populate the project with tasks to allow the predictive model training.

Start by downloading, or alternatively cloning, the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:ruivieira/jbpm-recommendation-demo.git
For this demo, two random forest-based services, one using the SMILE library and another as a Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) model, will be used. The services, located respectively in services/jbpm-recommendation-smile-random-forest and services/jbpm-recommendation-pmml-random-forest, can be built with (using SMILE as an example):

$ cd services/jbpm-recommendation-smile-random-forest
$ mvn clean install

The resulting JARs files can then be included in the Business Central’s kie-server.war located in standalone/deployments directory of your jBPM server installation. To do this, simply create a WEB-INF/lib, copy the compiled JARs into it and run

$ zip -r kie-server.war WEB-INF

The PMML-based service expects to find the PMML model in META-INF, so after copying the PMML file in jbpm-recommendation-pmml-random-forest/src/main/resources/models/random_forest.pmml into META-INF, it should also be included in the WAR by using

$ zip -r kie-server.war META-INF

jBPM will search for a prediction service with an identifier specified by a Java property named org.jbpm.task.prediction.service. Since in our demo, the random forest service has the identifier SMILERandomForest, we can set this value when starting Business Central, for instance as:

$ ./standalone.sh -Dorg.jbpm.task.prediction.service=SMILERandomForest

For the purpose of this documentation we will illustrate the steps using the SMILE-based service. The PMML-based service can be used by starting Business Central and setting the property as

$ ./standalone.sh -Dorg.jbpm.task.prediction.service=PMMLRandomForest

Once Business Central has completed the startup, you can go to http://localhost:8080/business-central/ and login using the default admin credential wbadmin/wbadmin. After choosing the default workspace (or creating your own), then select "Import project" and use the project git URL:


The repository also contains a REST client (under client) which allows to add Human Tasks in batch in order to have sufficient data points to train the model, so that we can have meaningful predictions.

NOTE: Before running the REST client, make sure that Business Central is running and the demo project is deployed and also running.

The class org.jbpm.recommendation.demo.RESTClient performs this task and can be executed from the client directory with:

$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.jbpm.recommendation.demo.RESTClient"

The prices for Lenovo and Apple laptops are drawn from Normal distributions with respective means of 1500 and 2500 (pictured below). Although the prediction service is not aware of the deterministic rules we've used to set the task outcome, it will train the model based on the data it receives. The tasks' completion will adhere to the following logic:

  • The purchase of a laptop of brand Lenovo requested by user John or Mary will be approved if the price is around $1500
  • The purchase of a laptop of brand Apple requested by user John or Mary will be approved if the price is around $2500
  • The purchase of a laptop of brand Lenovo requested by user John or Mary will be rejected if the price is around $2500 

The client will then simulate the creation and completion of human tasks, during which the model will be trained.

SMILE-based service

As we've seen, when creating and completing a batch of tasks (as previously) we are simultaneously training the predictive model. The service implementation is based on a random forest model a popular ensemble learning method.

When running the RESTClient, 1200 tasks will be created and completed to allow for a reasonably sized training dataset. The prediction service initially has a confidence threshold of 1.0 and after a sufficiently large number (arbitrarily chosen as 1200) of observations are used for training, the confidence threshold drops to 0.75. This is simply to demonstrate the two possible actions, i.e. prediction without completing and completing the task. This also allows us to avoid any cold start problems.

After the model is trained with the task from RESTClient, we will now create a new Human Task.

If we create a HT requesting the purchase of an "Apple" laptop from "John" with the price $2500, we should expect it to be approved.

If fact, when claiming the task, we can see that the prediction service recommends the purchase to be approved with a "confidence" of 91%.

If he now create a task for the request of a "Lenovo" laptop from "Mary" with the price $1437, he would expect it to be approved. We can see that this is the case, where the form is filled in by the prediction service with an approved status with a "confidence" of 86.5%.

We can also see, as expected, what happens when "John" tries to order a "Lenovo" for $2700. The prediction service fills the form as "not approved" with a "confidence" of 71%.

In this service, the confidence threshold is set as 1.0 and as such the task was not closed automatically.

The minimum number of data points was purposely chosen so that after running the REST client and completing a single task, the service will drop the confidence threshold to 0.75.

If we complete one of the above tasks manually, the next task you create will be automatically completed if the confidence is above 0.75. For instance, when creating a task we are pretty sure will be approved (e.g. John purchasing a Lenovo $1500) you can verify that the task is automatically completed.

PMML-based service

The second example implementation is the PMML-based prediction service. PMML is a predictive model interchange standard, which allows for a wide variety of models to be reused in different platforms and programming languages.

The service included in this demo consists of pre-trained model (with a dataset similar to the one generated by RESTClient) which is executed by a PMML engine. For this demo, the engine used was jpmml-evaluator, the de facto reference implementation of the PMML specification.

There are two main differences when comparing this service to the SMILE-based one:

  • The model doesn't need the training phase. The model has been already trained and serialised into the PMML format. This means that we can start using predictions straight away from jBPM.
  • The train API method is a no-op in this case. This means that whenever the service's train method is called, it will not be used for training in this example (only the predict method is needed for a "read-only" model), as we can see from the figure below.

You can verify that the Business Central workflow is the same as with the SMILE service, although in this case no training is necessary.

The above instructions on how to setup the demo project are also available in the following video (details are in the subtitles):

In conclusion, in this post we’ve shown how to use a new API which allows for predictive models to suggest outputs and complete Human Tasks.

We’ve also shown a project which can use different prediction service backends simply by registering them with jBPM without any changes to the project.

Why not create your own jBPM prediction

service using your favourite Machine Learning framework, today?


jBPM monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana

In this post, we will introduce the new Prometheus Kie Server Extension, which has been released as part of jBPM version 7.21.0.Final. This extension aims to make extremely easy for you to publish metrics about your Kie Server runtime execution. Using Prometheus and Grafana has become a standard for monitoring cloud services these days, and allowing the Kie Server to expose metrics related to processes, tasks, jobs and more, becomes a powerful integration not only for you to get a snapshot of the current status inside the server but also for combining it with information from different sources such as JVM, Linux and more. Not only in terms of infrastructure monitoring, but it is also a great tool to get insights into the execution of your business process.
To get started with Prometheus, take a look in this overview and the full list of exporters and integrations. Grafana is also another powerful tool that allows you to create nice looking dashboards, combining data from multiple sources, to get started take a look here.
Here is an example based on the metrics exposed from the Kie Server:

To enable this new extension, set the Prometheus system property to org.kie.prometheus.server.ext.disabled=false. When you enable this extension, a series of metrics will be collected, including information about deployments, start time, data sets, execution errors, jobs, tasks, processes, cases, and more. For the complete list of metrics, see the Prometheus services repository on GitHub.

After the extension is started, you can access the available metrics at ${context}/services/rest/metrics.
For example:

curl -u wbadmin:wbadmin http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/metrics

To quickly demonstrate all the capabilities of this integration, we created a short video, with more details about how to get started, two example dashboards for Grafana, as well as a Docker compose configuration that you can use as a playground to explore all these tools working together.

Docker compose example configuration is available here and to get started, simply run:

docker-compose -f jbpm-kie-server-prometheus-grafana.yml up

After all images start, you have the following tools available:

To access the example dashboards, please login to Grafana using the default credentials: username admin and password admin. Then navigate to Dashboards -> Manage, in there you should have two examples: jBPM Dashboard and jBPM Kie Server Jobs.

As you interact with your Kie Server and Business Central instances, like deploying and starting new process instances, you should notice the metrics values changing in the dashboard. Prometheus is configured to scrape data every 10 seconds.

Hope you have fun monitoring your Kie Server!


JHipster generator for jBPM Business Apps

If you are a fan of JHipster you can now generate jBPM Business apps with it! We created a generator module for it which you can use as follows:

With Yarn:

yarn global add generator-jba

Or with NPM:

npm install -g generator-jba

Once installed generate your app with:

yo jba

and follow the questions. If you want to generate the app with default settings, run:

yo jba --quick=true


jBPM Visual Studio Extension - New version 0.6.0 adds jBPM Business Apps debugging

Happy to announce a new 0.6.0 version of the JBAVSC extension for Visual Studio Code.

This extension adds process debugging for your business apps!

Debugging business app process in Visual Studio Code

JBAVSC Github: https://github.com/BootstrapJBPM/jbavsc
Visual Studio Code Marketplace:  https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=tsurdilovic.jbavsc

Here is a youtube vide showing off all the features of this extension:

We can make this extension much much more powerful so if you are interested in helping please let us know!


Enabling CORS in your jBPM Business Application

Currently when you generate your jBPM Business Application (online via start.jbpm.org, command-line via the jba-cli package, or in Visual Studio code via the jBPM extension) your app will have CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) disabled by default.

With CORS disabled, if you have a consumer app (e.g. React frontend)  which does not live on the same domain as your business app, it will not be able to query its REST api.

CORS will be enabled by default with the next jBPM community release (7.18.0.Final), see Jira JBPM-8176, but if you would like to enable this on you own now, it is very easy to do:

In your generated business app service module edit the DefaultWebSecurityConfig.java file and replace it with the one in this Gist. That's it :)

With this change in place you will now be able to query your business apps REST api from any domain, for example if you are using jQuery.ajax and want to get your server information (/rest/server endpoint) you could do for example:

Sample ajax request to /rest/server


Visual Studio Code extension for generating jBPM Business Apps

If you are developing your apps using Visual Studio Code you can now install a new jBPM Business Application extension. With this extension and the great tooling support of VSC you can now generate, develop, and launch your jBPM business apps without ever leaving your development environment.

Here is the youtube video showcasing how to install and use this extension:

The sources of the extension are on github. We are looking for contributions to make this extension better in the future.


Generate jBPM Business Apps with Node.js Command-line interface (CLI)

In addition to start.jbpm.org there is now an command-line way to generate your jBPM Business Applications, namely with the jba-cli Node package.

jba-cli package on npmjs.com
Sample CLI usage

If you have Node installed locally you can install and run this package with:

npm install jba-cli -g
jba gen
This allows your to build your jBPM Business app zip file without having to go through the browser. 
To contribute to this little cool project feel free to clone it and create pull requests from its github repo.

Here is youtube video showing how to install and use the jba-cli command line interface to generate your app:


Service task repository integrated into Business Central

Service tasks (aka work items) are of tremendous use in business processes. Users can build their custom logic into well defined tasks that can be reused across processes or even projects. jBPM comes with rather large set of service tasks out of the box, you can explore them in jbpm-work-items repository in GitHub.

jBPM also provides standalone service repo that could be used from jBPM designer to import service tasks. Though that was just intermediate step towards better integration with authoring tooling - Business Central.

Brand new integration between service task repository and business central is under development and I'd like to share a bit of news about this upcoming feature...

Service Task administration

First and foremost there is global administration of service tasks. This allows to select what service tasks (that the authoring environment comes with) are allowed to be installed in projects.

There are three configuration options
  • Install as Maven artefact - will upload the jar file of the handler if it does not exist in the local or Business Central's maven repo
  • Install service tasks artefact as maven dependency of project - will update pom.xml of project upon installation of the service task
  • Use version range - when adding service task artefact as project dependency it will use version range instead of fixed version e.g. [7.16,) instead of 7.16.0.Final

Service task installation - project settings

Once the service tasks are enabled they can be used within projects. Simply go into project settings page and install (or uninstall) service tasks of your desire. Note that this settings page will only list service tasks that are globally enabled.

Service tasks can then be installed into projects. During installation following will be done
  • dedicated wid (work definition) file is created for installed service task
  • custom icon for the service task is installed into project resources (if exists)
  • pom.xml of the project is updated to include dependencies (if it is enabled in the global settings)
  • deployment descriptor is updated to register work item handler for the service task
Similar steps are performed for uninstallation though to remove rather than add configuration.

Here is a short video (this time with audio.. not sure if that is good or bad ...) that illustrates the entire feature working together, including use of service task in business process.

This is part one of this feature so stay tuned for more updates in coming weeks...

Here is a complete video showing all features in action including

  • service repository administration
  • uploading new service tasks
  • default service tasks (REST, Email, Decision, etc)
  • installing service tasks into project with prompt for required parameters

This feature is planned for 7.17 so all the feedback is more than welcome.


Using React as frontend for jBPM Business Apps

React is a very popular and powerful JavaScript framework and is currently one of the best frontend development frameworks out there.

In this demo we show how you can easily integrate React into your existing or new jBPM Business Application and consume data from the the out-of-the-box Rest services via React components.

React Demo 

As usual all the sources of this demo are on GitHub.
The demo integrates the React front-end app with the service module of your jBPM Business application via the frontend-maven-plugin and then bundles its resources in the generated business app jar. This way you can just start your business app with the provided launch scripts and both React frontend and your business app backend will be available and started together.

When building the demo the same plugin will also attempt to install node and npm (which are needed for React apps) if they are not available on your machine. It will also build the React frontend for you, so no need to build it separately.

Here is the youtube video for this demo:

Feel free to leave us any comments about this demo and ideas on how to improve it or what you would like to see next.


Building jBPM Business Applications with Gradle


By default jBPM Business Applications generated via start.jbpm.org are build with Apache Maven. Your generated apps also include build scripts (for Unix, OSX, and Windows) which you can use out of the box to build all the apps modules, as well as launch your app in normal or dev modes.

Using Maven is fine however it excludes Gradle users from being able to build and launch jBPM Business Applications using their favorite build tool.

If you are using Gradle, take a look at this GitHub repo which includes Gradle build files as well as build scripts that call Gradle to build and launch your business application.

Follow the documentation there to set up your Gradle build environment for your generated jBPM business app.

Note that the out-of-the-box Maven build scripts are still the preferred choice when building your app. This is because the limitation of the Gradle scripts not being able to deploy your app on Docker and Openshift. We use the fabric8 plugin to help us do that and this plugin is not currently available for Gradle unfortunately (you can get more info on that here).

Also to note we are not Gradle experts and it would be really helpful if our jBPM community could help us with making the Gradle build for jBPM Business Applications better. If you are interested please clone https://github.com/tsurdilo/jbpm-business-apps-gradle and submit changes via git pull requests and share it to our community. We would really appreciate that!!


jBPM Business Apps and Okta Single Sign-on (SSO)

Wanted to showcase a new jBPM Business Applications demo that includes easy
integration with the Okta identity management service.

The demo uses the developer.okta.com setup and the Okta Spring boot starter to quickly set up SSO for our jBPM Business App. It also shows how easy it is to restrict access to certain pages of your jBPM Business Application using the authentication info and identity setup in Okta.

Demo source code is on github.

The demo requires you to make an account on developer.okta.com (its free) and create an Okta application and set up two group called "Admin" and "Sales"

Okta group setup

Only other configuration is in the your apps application.properties file:

application.properties setup

All of this information you get for free once you create an account and an application on the Okta developer site.

Once you have completed this setup and start the Okta demo app, go to localhost:8090 and to authenticate and access your app. Note that since there is no logout feature in the demo app, in order to simulate the logout simply delete your recent browser cookies.

If you don't create and set up the "Sales" group in Okta for your application there accessing localhost:8090/sales will give you a "403" page:

Demo app 403 page

Otherwise you will be able to access it:

Demo sales page

The apps index page is authorized to users that are in the "Admin" group that you have set up in Okta.

Here is a youtube video which walks you through the Okta demo and shows how simple it is to set 
this all up: