
Self managable user tasks - notification and reassignment

As a continuation of the first post, let's try to make use of LDAP configuration to make actors aware of the tasks awaiting their attention.
Human task service is capable of reacting on certain events such as task was not started or task was not completed in time. Currently there are two options a process designer can choose from:
  • remind the user about the task
  • reassign the task to another actor/group
Depending on the needs either one of them or both can be configured on a user task activity, moreover designers are not limited to single instances of those events, for instance user task can be modelled as follows:
  1. as soon as task is created send notification to the actor assigned to it
  2. if there is no action within a day, send a reminder to the actor
  3. if there is no action within two days, reassign the task to another actor
  4. if the task is not completed within a week send notification to a manager
This is illustrated on following screen cast, starting at designing a process with user task, configuring deadlines (reassignment and notifications), building and running the process.

1. first let's design the process and define deadlines

2. now it is time to build the package and execute process

Task service supports four types of events:
  • reassign if not started
  • reassign if not completed
  • notify if not started
  • notify if not completed
To give some flexibility, expression that reference process and task variables are supported, for instance when modelling notification, users and/or groups can point to a process variables to get a list of users/groups that should be notified. In addition, notification subject and body can reference both process and task variables and provides additional variables that could be useful when referring to a task:
  • processInstanceId
  • processSessionId
  • workItemId
  • taskId
  • owners
 and all task variables are available as Map in
  • doc
Process variables are accessed with #{variable} and task variables are accessed with ${variable}, simple notification could look like this:


A task with id ${taskId} was assigned to you. You can access it in your personal <a href="http://localhost:8080/jbpm-console/app.html#errai_ToolSet_Tasks;Group_Tasks.3">inbox</a>.


Although HTML notifications are supported it is recommended to make use of process variables and some services to provide email templates instead of putting them inline within process definition, the bpmn2 file. Both subject and body of the notification can be declared as process variable.

but how to configure it?

Note: This guide assumes that human task service is deployed as web application, if that is not the case please refer to online documentation.

There are two elements that needs to be provided to make human task capable of performing deadline actions:
  1. configure user info component that delivers information required by notification mechanism
  2. configure email service
And of course declare deadline requirements on the user task in your process.

Previous post showed how to configure LDAP user info component to utilize external service as user information provider (Quick recap - it simple requires to put the right class name in web.xml init param section - user.info.class and LDAP configuration property file). As this is rather common to use LDAP in such cases there is a way to add custom implementations as well so you are not limited to that.

Configuring email service is done by providing drools.email.conf property file that contains smtp configuration and place it inside META-INF directory of jbpm-human-task-war/WEB-INF/classes.

from = sender-email-address (required)
replyTo = reply-to-email-address (optional)
host = smtp-host-name (required)
port = smtp-port-number (required)
defaultLanguage = en-UK

NOTE: there could be a need of prefixing file name with additional drools. to be found properly due to bug. So file name should be drools.drools.email.conf; this will be fixed in 5.4.

With this, many uses cases can be covered as shown in the example but most likely not all, so if there are any scenarios you find yourself in and think it might be useful to others please let us know about it:)