
Approvals - "the missing" part of Tekton

Tekton is a fantastic project that allows to build pipelines for your CI/CD needs. It works really great as it takes advantage of dynamic nature of Kubernetes cluster and uses resources only when it actually executes a task.

Tasks that are executed can be pretty much anything that starts a container (pod) and executes. There is a huge collection of tasks available in Tekton Hub that can be easily used within your own pipelines. Have a further read about Tekton if you're not familiar with it here.

There is just one tiny issue - tasks in Tetkon are mainly about executing things and not waiting for things. And here comes Automatiko that plugs into the Tekton ecosystem via Custom Tasks. Custom tasks (realized in Tekton as Runs) allow to provide additional capabilities that are not meant to execute things - like starting a container/pod. Read complete article at automatiko blog